Freezing of Dearness Allowance: Non-payment of 5.5% IDA w.e.f. 01.10.2020 and 6.1% IDA w.e.f 01.01.2021 to the Non-Executives – BSNLEU
Non-issuing of guideline for the payment of 5.5% of IDA which has become due from 01.10.2020, to the Non-Executives of the CPSEs – request necessary action. With reference to the letter cited above, we would like to invite your kind attention to the following, for favour of necessary action.
Central Head Quarters, BSNLEU
Main Recognised Representative Union.
P. Abhimanyu Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar,
General Secretary Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi-110008
Date: 04.01.2021
Shri Sailesh,
Department of Public Enterprises,
Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Sub: – Non-issuing of guideline for the payment of 5.5% of IDA which has become due from 01.10.2020, to the Non-Executives of the CPSEs – request necessary action – reg.
Ref: – DPE letter no.W-02/0039/2017-DPE(WC)-GL-XVI/20 dated 19th November, 2020.
With reference to the letter cited above, we would like to invite your kind attention to the following, for favour of necessary action.
The DPE, vide letter cited under reference, has stated that, the additional installment of IDA, that had become due from 01.10.2020, shall not be paid. Further, it is also stated that, the additional instalments of Dearness Allowances due from 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2021 shall also not be paid.
At the same time, in para 3 of the letter cited under reference, it is also stated that the freezing of the three installment of IDA shall be applicable in case of Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs, drawing 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 and 1987 IDA pay scales.
Hence, it is very clear that, the freezing of the three instalments of IDAs is not applicable to the Non-Executives working in the CPSEs. However, we regret to inform that, the DPE has so far not issued any guideline for the payment of the 5.5% of additional IDA that has become due w.e.f 01.10.2020, to the Non-Executives of the CPSEs.
Further, as per our reckoning, another 6.1% IDA has also become due w.e.f 01-01-2021, as per the latest All India Consumer Price Index Numbers released by the Labour Bureau. Hence, the DPE needs to issue instructions to the CPSEs for the payment of the two additional instalments of IDAs that have become due w.e.f. 01.10.2020 and 01.01.2021, to the Non-Executives of the CPSEs.
In this connection, we also wish to bring to your kind notice that, in it’s order issued by the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam, in the W.P.(C) No.26423 of 2020(C) dated 17th December, 2020, the statement made by the Assistant Solicitor General of India on the subject, has been referred to. In Para 5 of it’s order of the Hon’ble Kerala High Court, the following is recorded.
“On 11.12.2020, when this writ petition came up for consideration, the learned Assistant Solicitor General of India, on instructions, submitted that Ext.P2 guidelines has application only in the case of Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of Central Public Sector Enterprises and it has no application insofar as workmen in those enterprises are concerned.”
Based on the above mentioned averment of the Assistant Solicitor General of India, the Hon’ble Kerala High Court at Ernakulam has ordered that, the additional instalment of IDA, which has become due from 01.10.2020, should be paid to the workmen of the Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Limited. (copy enclosed)
In view of the foregoing, we earnestly implore upon you to kindly ensure that, the DPE issues prompt guideline to the CPSEs, including BSNL, for the payment of the two additional instalments of IDA, that have become due from 01.10.2020 and 01.01.2021, to the Non-Executives of the CPSEs, including the BSNL.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
[P. Abhimanyu]
General Secretary
Encl: Copy of the order of Hon’ble High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam, in the W.P.(C) No.26423 of 2020(C) dated 17 th December, 2020.
Copy to:
(1) Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary, (Telecom), Department of Telecom, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 001
(2) Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, H.C. Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi – 110 001
(3) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR), BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
(4) Ms. Yojana Das, Director (Finance), BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001
Source: Click here for download pdf
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